Oral Cancer Screening
Simply put, oral cancer screening is an examination performed by one of our experienced dentists here at King West Dentistry. The doctor checks for signs of oral cancer or even precancerous conditions. The primary goal of our oral cancer screening is to help our patients identify mouth cancer early enough and boost their chances of fighting it successfully. At King West Dentistry, we recommend routine visits to our clinics and get screened for oral cancer. Sometimes, our dentists might perform additional tests to help identify areas of abnormal cell growth in your mouth. If the symptoms of this health condition are recognized during your annual oral cancer examination, the condition can be handled effectively, especially during the early stages.
Where does oral cancer occur?
Most people never have oral cancer screening, and this is the primary reason the condition is not detected during the early stages. At King West Dentistry, we recommended that you visit us for screening right away in case you have never been screened for oral cancer.
This oral condition may be difficult to detect mainly for someone who doesn't know what they are looking for. Fortunately, King West Dentistry takes pride in its highly trained, experienced, and specialized dentists and hygienists. These professionals have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to examining patients for signs of oral cancer and work tirelessly to help our patients.

Here are the different areas in which oral cancer often occurs:
- Mouth
- Lips
- Tongue
- Gums
- Salivary glands
- Face
- Throat
Common types of oral cancer
A tumor with tissue or even organ components.
It's common in the tonsillar or other lymphoid tissues.
Associated with a minor or major salivary gland.
It originates from the lip and oral tissues. Studies show that 90 percent of all oral cancer instances fall under this category.
It originates from the pigmented producing cells of the oral mucosa
At King West Dentistry, we screen different types of oral cancer and guarantee accurate results for our patients.

Risk factors for oral cancer
Research has linked 75% of all oral cancer cases to modifiable behavior such as excessive use of tobacco, smoking, previous oral cancer diagnosis, and alcohol consumption. At King West Dentistry, our dentists will offer you valuable insights on the necessary lifestyle changes you need to make to avoid oral cancer.
Symptoms of oral cancer
All dentists and other medical experts at King West Dentistry recommend that you should schedule a screening session if you notice something unusual with your gums, tongue, mouth, and other areas of your face. These professionals have been in the industry for many years, and so, they can successfully identify the symptoms of oral cancer accurately. They use cutting edge technology to help analyze cell samples from your mouth.
Oral cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment
Typically, oral cancer screening is a simple, non-invasive, and painless procedure. At King West Dentistry, your dentist will examine your glands, mouth, face, and neck for any physical signs such as lumps, leukoplakia, red patches, and sores.
In case you have these symptoms, the dentist will implement a diagnostic and treatment plan immediately. Sometimes a biopsy may be necessary to establish the right stage of cancer and determine whether or not it is posing secondary threats to your dental health.
Treatment Options
- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Excision